8 Things You Can Do Today to Prevent Vision Loss From Glaucoma

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Affecting an estimated 3 million people across the U.S., glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness among Floridians today. While glaucoma itself isn’t curable, Tampa patients can prevent vision loss from the condition with a few lifestyle adjustments. 

8 ways to start preventing glaucoma-related vision loss today are:

Add More Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet. 

Leafy green veggies, carrots, citrus fruits, berries, and other brightly-colored vegetables contain nutrients that naturally protect your eyes against damage. Adding more of these foods to your diet may prevent vision loss in the long run. 

Exercise Safely.

With Tampa’s beautiful weather, exercising outdoors is a simple, enjoyable way to protect your health. Moderate aerobic exercise like brisk walking, swimming, and biking can help reduce eye pressure over time.

Don’t Skip Eye Protection.

If you engage in activities that could cause eye damage, like sports or construction, don’t forget to wear the proper eye gear. Eye injuries can increase your risk of glaucoma in Tampa Bay. 

Prioritize Sleep.

Did you know that obstructive sleep apnea can elevate your risk of developing glaucoma? Thankfully, OSA is a very manageable condition. Talk to your physician about treatment options to protect your eyes while you sleep. 

Manage Your Blood Pressure. 

High blood pressure is a common condition, affecting over 44% of Floridians between 45 and 64 and 61% of Floridians over 65. Tampa patients can work to prevent glaucoma-related vision loss and other complications of high blood pressure by getting their blood pressure measured regularly, alleviating stress, limiting salt intake, and exercising. 

Quit Smoking.

Taking the first step today toward quitting smoking can dramatically improve your long-term ocular health. Smoking significantly impacts the retinal nerve fiber layer, making it a key risk factor for glaucoma. 

Talk to Your Tampa Eye Doctor About Steroid Medications. 

Are you taking steroid medications? If so, make sure to speak with your eye doctor for further recommendations. Steroids (particularly those taken orally or applied around the eyes) can elevate eye pressure over time. 

Attend Annual Eye Exams in Tampa.

Early detection is essential to preventing vision loss from glaucoma. Dr. Mahootchi in Tampa can provide a thorough eye exam to identify warning signs of the condition and provide a personalized treatment plan if needed. 

Book your appointment at The Eye Clinic of Florida for a complete Tampa eye exam and further recommendations to reduce your risk of vision loss from glaucoma.