Eye Symptoms People in Tampa Should Never Ignore

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The eyes are a particularly sensitive part of the body. From sunlight to allergens to aging, the eyes are vulnerable to discomfort or damage throughout your lifetime. But, while many eye symptoms are mild and nothing to worry about, others require immediate attention from your eye doctor in Tampa

Key eye symptoms that people in Tampa should never ignore include:

Sudden Blurry or Double Vision

If you suddenly experience blurry vision, double vision, or other distortions, contact our eye clinic in Tampa Bay for a prompt evaluation. Whether the distortion impacts your peripheral or central vision, it may be a sign of a serious eye condition, such as angle-closure glaucoma, retinal detachment, or bleeding inside the eye.

Sudden Flashes or Floaters

Eye floaters are small dots, lines, or cobweb-like shapes that move across your field of vision. In many cases, floaters are normal, especially for older adults. However, a sudden increase in the number of floaters you experience can point to a serious problem, like retinal detachment. Individuals with this condition may also have flashes in their vision. 

Sudden Vision Loss

Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes can result from eye trauma, retinal detachment, or blocked blood circulation to the retina. Vision loss is generally deemed sudden if it develops within a few minutes or days. This is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate care. 

Severe Redness or Swelling

Mild eye redness or swelling typically isn’t cause for concern. These symptoms can simply result from seasonal allergies in Tampa or exposure to air pollutants. However, if eye inflammation appears suddenly and is severe, it can indicate a more serious issue. 

Severe eye redness and swelling are possible symptoms of blepharitis, uveitis, and pink eye (conjunctivitis). Our eye doctors in South Florida can pinpoint the cause of the inflammation and provide proper treatment. 

Dr. Mahootchi at The Eye Clinic of Florida can provide the care you need for various eye symptoms in Tampa. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!