How Eyelids Change as We Age and What You Can Do To Correct It

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The aging process causes natural changes to everyone’s appearance, including the eyelids. As the skin ages, the delicate skin of the eyelids is particularly susceptible to signs of aging.

While aging is inevitable, there are many treatment options available to correct changes to the eyelids. Read on to learn more. 

Signs of Aging in the Eyelids

Lost structure and volume

As we age, the skin naturally loses elastin and collagen. These proteins provide structure and volume to the skin. So when aging diminishes natural levels of elastin and collagen, the skin tends to thin out and droop, including in the eyelids. 


Ptosis is a condition that occurs when the muscle that raises the eyelid (the levator muscle) weakens, causing the eyelid to droop over the eye. This condition can obstruct the patient’s field of vision and create a tired-looking appearance. Aging often causes ptosis as the strain of time and gravity stretches the tissue that aids the levator muscle in lifting the eyelid. 


Dermatochalasis occurs when excess skin is present in the eyelids. This condition occurs gradually with the aging process and is characterized by bagginess in the upper or lower eyelids. 

Hollowed tear trough

Some people experience hollowing of the tear trough as a result of aging. This is caused by skin aging in the lower eyelids.

Treatment Options for Aging Eyelids

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is one of the main treatment options available to correct signs of aging in the both the upper and lower eyelids. This procedure can correct both ptosis and dermatochalasis by removing excess skin and/or fat and tightening the tissue around the eyes. 

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers can be used to restore volume to the eye area for a more youthful and rested appearance. As a minimally-invasive, cosmetic treatment, dermal fillers can help patients who are struggling with lost volume in the eyes. 

The skilled team at The Eye Clinic of Florida can help you determine which treatment option will be the best solution for your eyelid concerns. Contact us today to learn more.