How LASIK Can Benefit Your Life in Tampa

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Are you tired of needing glasses or contact lenses to see? Maybe glasses and contacts are inconvenient or don’t suit your lifestyle. In either case, LASIK surgery could be the solution you’ve been seeking to restore your vision. 

With an over 25-year history of safety and success, LASIK can provide life-changing benefits for Tampa patients. Key benefits include:

Freedom in Activities

If you wear glasses, you may struggle to participate in certain sports and activities. Especially here in beautiful Tampa, you shouldn’t have to miss out on recreational activities because of your vision. The glasses can shift, slip off, or cause discomfort. In outdoor activities, your glasses may become foggy, wet, or dirty.

With LASIK in Tampa, you can have the freedom to participate in activities, from swimming to mountain biking to scuba diving and more. 

Constantly Clear Vision

With glasses and contacts, your clean vision goes away whenever you remove your lenses. LASIK, on the other hand, provides permanent vision correction. If you wake up in the middle of the night, you won’t have to scramble for your glasses to see clearly. 

Astigmatism Correction

Along with correcting nearsightedness, LASIK can correct astigmatism right here in Tampa Bay. It can resolve astigmatism symptoms, including blurred vision, headaches, and eye strain. 

Value Over Time

Especially if you wear contact lenses, LASIK can save you money in the long run. It’s a one-time expense, while contact lens prescriptions (and contact lens cleaning solutions) can cost hundreds of dollars each year. Even glasses are an ongoing expense with the cost of frames and updated prescriptions. Dr. Mahootchi has been performing LASIK in the Tampa Bay area for more than 26 years, with thousands of happy patients. To learn if you’re a candidate, schedule an appointment with us today!