How Vision Loss Impacts Mental Health

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Vision loss is more than an optical issue. Without proper treatment, it can have far-reaching complications, including diminished mental health. 

Effects of Vision Loss on Mental Health

Clinical research has linked vision loss to increased feelings of fear, worry, social isolation, and loneliness. This may be due to reduced opportunities to learn and adjust social skills among individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Additionally, people with vision loss are more likely to experience anxiety and depression. A CDC study found that one in four adults with vision loss reported having anxiety or depression, with young adults with vision loss having a 5 times higher risk of severe anxiety or depression than adults 65 or older. 

How to Manage Vision Loss

Thankfully, vision loss can be effectively managed to prevent mental health complications. 

If you’re experiencing gradual vision loss, visit your Tampa area ophthalmologist for an evaluation. Depending on the cause of your vision loss, there’s an extensive range of treatment options available to improve or restore your vision. 

If you experience sudden vision loss, visit your ophthalmologist or the ER for immediate medical care. 

Protecting Your Mental Health with Vision Loss

Along with ongoing vision care, the following tips may help individuals with vision loss improve and protect their mental health:

  • Seek mental healthcare from a licensed therapist, even if you’re not currently experiencing anxiety or depression symptoms. Proactive mental healthcare can help prevent symptoms of these conditions. 
  • Consider support groups for individuals with vision loss. Building a community with other visually impaired adults can prevent social isolation and loneliness. 
  • Use devices and apps that can improve your quality of life with vision loss, such as audiobooks, image magnifiers, smart speakers, and virtual assistants. 

As an eye clinic serving Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas, Eye Clinic of Florida is here to help you successfully manage or even avoid vision loss and achieve a higher quality of life. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment!