The Difference Between Dry Eye and Allergies

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Dry eye and allergies are very common eye conditions that can both cause irritation without discharge. While these conditions can have similar symptoms, they require different treatments. This makes it important to differentiate between dry eye and allergies so that you can achieve relief from discomfort as soon as possible. 

Dry Eye

Dry eye is a problem that’s underdiagnosed and often misdiagnosed. With dry eye, people often experience a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes, eye redness, eye fatigue, and foreign body sensation in the eye, among other symptoms. Dry eye can be caused by low tear production or abnormal tear composition. 

The cause of dry eye isn’t an allergic reaction, and dry eye can’t trigger an allergic reaction. There are many possible treatment options for dry eye, from artificial tears to punctal plugs to mild steroid drops, but many of these treatments don’t provide impressive results. Serum drops at The Eye Clinic of Florida, however, are a safe and effective option for dry eye relief, with most patients experiencing relief 9 to 12 months after using the serum. 


Eye allergies, which may also be called allergic conjunctivitis, impact millions of people in the United States. Triggered by allergens such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites, eye allergies can cause itching, redness, and burning. Additionally, with eye allergies, the eyelids will itch and may swell up, which can lead to cracking of the skin. One of the key ways to differentiate between eye allergies and dry eye is to consider itching; if itching is the main symptom that’s bothering you, eye allergies are most likely the culprit. 

Oral allergy medications often don’t have an effect on eye allergies. Pataday is the best brand of anti-allergy eye drops, and it’s now available without a prescription. Pataday provides fast, long-lasting relief from itching and, used over time, can stop the allergic reaction from occurring in the first place. 

If you’re experiencing eye irritation, visit The Eye Clinic of Florida for prompt, expert treatment.