Understanding the Different Types of Glaucoma

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Affecting an estimated 80 million people globally, glaucoma is today’s leading cause of irreversible blindness. As a family of diseases that cause optic nerve damage, glaucoma comes in a few different forms. In this article, we’ll help you understand the different types of glaucoma and the importance of glaucoma prevention in Tampa Bay

What Are The Main Types of Glaucoma?

Several types of glaucoma exist, but open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma are considered the primary types.  

Open-Angle Glaucoma

Open-angle glaucoma, or OAG, is the most prevalent type across the U.S. and Florida. It occurs when the drainage angle stays open, but the eye doesn’t drain properly. This causes fluid buildup, elevated eye pressure, and progressive optic nerve damage. 

Often, the first noticeable symptom of open-angle glaucoma is vision loss. This makes regular Tampa eye evaluations essential to preventing blindness from OAG. 

Closed-Angle Glaucoma

Closed-angle glaucoma, or CAG, occurs when the drainage angle is closed or blocked. It causes a sudden spike in eye pressure and can lead to rapid vision loss. Closed-angle glaucoma requires emergency medical attention to prevent blindness. 

Symptoms of closed-angle glaucoma include severe eye pain, sudden vision problems, nausea, vomiting, headache, and seeing colored rings or halos around lights. 

Other Types of Glaucoma

Other forms of glaucoma that require eye care in Tampa Bay include:

Congenital Glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma is a rare condition that’s present at birth. With this type of glaucoma, the eye’s drainage system doesn’t develop properly, causing elevated eye pressure that can damage the optic nerve. 

Secondary Glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma occurs when another medical condition or injury increases pressure inside the eye. Examples include neovascular, exfoliation, and pigmentary glaucoma. 

Dr. Mahootchi offers a range of specialty glaucoma surgeries in Tampa to protect your vision. Contact us today to schedule an eye exam and learn more.