Four Reasons to Consider Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery may seem like an unnecessary expense. After all, you have likely been wearing contacts or eyeglasses for most of your life. Why change it now? There are actually some very good reasons to stop delaying and truly consider Lasik eye surgery.

Improved Vision

Glasses and contacts are helpful, but they don’t resolve the problem entirely. Your vision may still be somewhat restricted by your poor eyesight. For example, peripheral vision often suffers in eyeglass wearers because the corrective lens doesn’t wrap all the way around the eye. With Lasik eye surgery, you will experience improved vision without correction, which will allow you to see much more detail and more conveniently than before. (more…)

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3 Surprising Symptoms of Dry Eyes

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Dry eyes can be caused by a number of things. You may experience dry eyes if you have decreased tear production or an imbalance in tear composition. Both of these can be corrected with available treatments. If your eyes are frequently dry and itchy, you should visit your doctor to determine the cause. But sometimes, you may not realize you have dry eyes. Here are three surprising symptoms that may indicate dry eyes.

Increased Watering of Eyes

You may think that dry eyes means you do not produce tears, but this is not necessarily the case. When eyes are dry, it is the body’s natural response to create more tears. The extra tears don’t come from the tear glands usually used to lubricate the eye. They come from the tear gland used for emotional crying. This dumps liquid on the surface which can overwhelm the eyes normal drainage mechanism. If you have an increase in watery eyes at any time, it could be an indication that your eyes are actually dry. (more…)

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Three Warning Signs of Cataracts

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Over 24 million Americans over the age of 40 are affected by cataracts. It is a very common eye condition and one that can leave you completely blind if left untreated. There are many treatments for cataracts, including surgical measures that can be taken. The sooner cataracts are discovered and diagnosed, the more treatment options there are available. Here are three warning signs that you might have cataracts.

Cloudy or Blurred Vision

The most common warning sign of cataracts that prompts people to see a doctor is cloudy or blurred vision. You may also experience a dimming of your vision. Any sudden or gradual vision changes should be immediately reported to your optometrist, especially if you are over the age of 40. The cloudy or blurred vision that comes with cataracts usually is an indicator of a more advanced case. (more…)

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