Macular Degeneration: What It Is and How It’s Treated

Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss over 65. Often the signs are seen decades before trouble begins. Unfortunately, many simple early treatments that can lower the risk of vision loss aren’t started soon enough.

Having your vision fail as you get older can be concerning. Often people consider it a natural part of aging. That just  isn’t true.

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a condition of the eye in which the center of the vision or macula degenerates. While this can happen to anyone of any age, it is most common in older adults. When it occurs in older adults, it is called age-related macular degeneration. The condition will worsen without treatment and slow reading speed and ultimately cause damage to the best, reading, central, and color vision.   (more…)

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Why Diabetics Need Routine Comprehensive Eye Exams

Diabetes is the most common cause of vision loss under age 65. Yet the vision loss is almost 100% preventable. Diabetics are at risk for eye diseases that can greatly affect vision and health. Having regular dilated eye exams at least once a year is important for anyone battling diabetes.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetics are at high risk for diabetic retinopathy. This is an eye condition that causes the blood vessels in the eye to leak and grow abnormally. This condition is more prevalent in patients with poor long term sugar control whether treated or untreated. Most are asymptomatic initially.  There are several possible symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, including blurred vision, floaters and intermittent vision loss.  (more…)

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Macular Degeneration: What It Is and How It’s Treated

Losing your vision or discovering new vision problems can be very scary. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of visual disability for people over age 70.  A common misconception is that nothing can be done for the early form of the disease. That’s false.  Getting doctors to act early has also been a challenge in the US. It’s important that you get checked by a professional who’s up to date with modern risk reduction and treatment.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is an eye condition in which the central area of the retina, called the macula, degenerates due to health conditions or age. The macula is the part of the eye we use for out best, central and color vision.  Age-related macular degeneration is usually a slow process and the changes seen on exam often precede anything noticeable by the patient. Later symptoms include a slowed reading speed before gradual loss of central vision. 90% of patients have frustrating vision loss. 10% have devastating loss. (more…)

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Cataracts: What You Need to Know

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Cataracts are the most common eye condition over age 50. Almost everyone will get a cataract during their lifetime. Guess what the most common surgery in the world is? It’s cataract surgery. It’s also one of the most successful. Cataracts progress slowly so there’s time to plan your best options. Here are some common questions we often are asked about cataracts.

What are Cataracts?

The human lens changes throughout life. Chemical changes first begin to stiffen the lens at age 40 or so.  That’s why most adults will need reading glasses or a bifocal.  With time, those same chemical changes in the lens gradually make it less clear. The lens becomes more yellow, like stained glass, which makes it more difficult to see through. (more…)

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Top 3 Reasons to Move Forward with Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is one of the most successful surgeries ever done.  There are some very good reasons to get off the fence and move forward with Lasik sooner rather than later. When you look at all the factors involved, Lasik can be very helpful and reduce your expenses over time. Consider these top three reasons to get Lasik eye surgery.

Visual Freedom

Do you remember when you got your first pair of glasses or contact lenses? What was life like before that? Imagine not needing to find your glasses when you first wake up in the morning just to go to the bathroom. Imagine not needing to worry about your glasses or contacts becoming damaged during physical activity. Not having to wear contacts or eyeglasses gives you a freedom that you may not even realize you have been missing.

Cost Effective

Lasik may seem like an added expense, but really, it is an investment that pays for itself over time. Consider how much money you spend every year on contacts or eyeglasses. For most people, the total is in the hundreds. Lasik, by comparison, is rather affordable. You only have to pay for the procedure once, and you will likely never need another pair of distance glasses or contacts again. Over time, you will actually save money. (more…)

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Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma—When To See Your Doctor

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Glaucoma is a very common cause of visual disability world-wide. Sadly is often preventable.

Many people with glaucoma have no early symptoms. So early detection is the key! The sooner glaucoma is diagnosed and treated the better the chances of keeping your eyesight in most cases.

Types of Glaucoma

Many people do not realize that there are actually many types of glaucoma. A common misconception is that the eye pressure has to be high to have the disease!

The most common type is open-angle glaucoma. In this type of glaucoma, there are few symptoms before vision begins to wane. The most common symptom that people notice is gradual loss of peripheral vision in from of the other eye. In advanced stages, you may experience tunnel vision. The eye pressure can sometimes, but not always, be high.

About half the people with open angle glaucoma have never had their eye pressures be high. This is called low tension glaucoma. However the appearance of the optic nerve can be an early tell tale sign. This is why you should never refuse dilation during your exam. If the examiner cannot see the nerve well, this important early sign may be missed. (more…)

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Why You Should Consider Lasik Eye Surgery

If you have less than perfect eyesight, you may be considering Lasik eye surgery. There are many advertisements and testimonials on television and social media, so nearly everyone has at least heard of Lasik. But if you don’t understand how it can help you, you may be on the fence about spending the money. There are several good reasons to consider Lasik eye surgery.

Advances Have Been Made

There have been many advances in Lasik technology and practice in the last decade. Whereas in the beginning Lasik could not correct severe eyesight problems or stigmatism, today these issues can be successfully treated with Lasik. While not everyone who undergoes Lasik will be completely free from glasses, most patients can enjoy some correction that will reduce the cost of glasses and contacts, as well as your dependence on them. (more…)

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A Quick Guide to Treating Glaucoma

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Just like your joints are vulnerable to arthritis as you age, your vision is vulnerable to problems over time. If you’re lucky, you’ll experience nothing more than a bit of near- or far-sightedness, but if you’re like millions of Americans, you’ll one day develop glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a family of diseases that damage the optic nerve and prevent the eye and brain from communicating. It’s a serious issue that shouldn’t be neglected, especially since it can ultimately lead to blindness if left untreated. Luckily, there are many innovative glaucoma treatments available when you need them.

Cyclo G6 Laser

The Cyclo G6 Laser is one of the newest achievements in glaucoma treatment. The entire system is dedicated to treating glaucoma for patients who have not experienced success with eye drops but do not want to undergo surgery. It uses gentle technology capable of reducing intraocular pressure by 30 to 40 percent without the need for incisions or implants. If you want to extend or even eliminate the need for surgery while still improving and protecting your vision, Cyclo G6 Laser treatment is a perfect choice.

Kahook Goniotomy Procedure

This minimally invasive glaucoma procedure uses a Kahook Dual Blade to safely, effectively, and easily relieve glaucoma symptoms. Your surgeon makes an opening in the trabecular meshwork, which is a group of very small canals where fluid leaves the eye. This new opening allows fluid to flow out of the eye and relieve pressure. You can expect the The Kahook Goniotomy procedure to reduce your reliance on eye drops. (more…)

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An Eyelid Lift Can Transform Your Appearance

Your appearance is defined by so many elements, especially in your facial region. The contour of your cheeks, the fullness of your lips, and the size and shape of your eyes all contribute to the distinguished look of the person you see in the mirror. As you get older, you may find that your eyes are changing for the worse, especially around the eyelids.

Eyelid problems are common, especially in older adults. You may have excess, hanging skin that covers the natural fold of the upper eyelids, or you might notice chronic puffiness or deep grooving that ages you ten years. Fortunately, an eyelid lift surgery known as blepharoplasty has become a routine procedure that can reverse these conditions and transform your appearance into a younger and more rejuvenated version of yourself.

How Is an Eyelid Lift Done?

An eyelid lift is done to reverse the effects of age and gravity on the skin around the eyes. It can be done just for cosmetic reasons or even for medical reasons if the extra fold of skin hangs over the eyelashes and disrupts vision. It only takes about two hours for your eyes to transform from saggy and tired to tighter, healthier, and more contoured.

What Are the Benefits of an Eyelid Lift?

An eyelid lift can improve your appearance and boost your confidence in many ways. Not only does it eliminate the puffiness and bags under your eyes, this procedure also lifts and removes the hooded skin on your upper lids to help you look and feel younger and healthier. (more…)

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