Everything You Should Know about Cataracts and Crystalens Implants

  • Post category:Cataracts

It would be wonderful if vision never faded or changed, but the unfortunate reality is that the majority of adults will experience significant vision problems as they get older. Many of these vision problems are caused by cataracts, the yellowing or clouding of the lense of the eye. Cataracts used to be considered an irreversible condition, but thanks to Crystalens implants, cataract patients now have a second chance at clear vision.

What Are Cataracts?

A cataract forms when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes yellow or cloudy, making everything appear like it is behind a foggy or frosty window. It’s not a sudden condition, but one that gradually forms until it can no longer be resolved with just eyeglasses and stronger lighting. (more…)

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