Macular Degeneration: What It Is and How It’s Treated

Losing your vision or discovering new vision problems can be very scary. Macular Degeneration is the most common cause of visual disability for people over age 70.  A common misconception is that nothing can be done for the early form of the disease. That’s false.  Getting doctors to act early has also been a challenge in the US. It’s important that you get checked by a professional who’s up to date with modern risk reduction and treatment.

What is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is an eye condition in which the central area of the retina, called the macula, degenerates due to health conditions or age. The macula is the part of the eye we use for out best, central and color vision.  Age-related macular degeneration is usually a slow process and the changes seen on exam often precede anything noticeable by the patient. Later symptoms include a slowed reading speed before gradual loss of central vision. 90% of patients have frustrating vision loss. 10% have devastating loss. (more…)

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Top 3 Reasons to Move Forward with Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik eye surgery is one of the most successful surgeries ever done.  There are some very good reasons to get off the fence and move forward with Lasik sooner rather than later. When you look at all the factors involved, Lasik can be very helpful and reduce your expenses over time. Consider these top three reasons to get Lasik eye surgery.

Visual Freedom

Do you remember when you got your first pair of glasses or contact lenses? What was life like before that? Imagine not needing to find your glasses when you first wake up in the morning just to go to the bathroom. Imagine not needing to worry about your glasses or contacts becoming damaged during physical activity. Not having to wear contacts or eyeglasses gives you a freedom that you may not even realize you have been missing.

Cost Effective

Lasik may seem like an added expense, but really, it is an investment that pays for itself over time. Consider how much money you spend every year on contacts or eyeglasses. For most people, the total is in the hundreds. Lasik, by comparison, is rather affordable. You only have to pay for the procedure once, and you will likely never need another pair of distance glasses or contacts again. Over time, you will actually save money. (more…)

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Why You Should Consider Lasik Eye Surgery

If you have less than perfect eyesight, you may be considering Lasik eye surgery. There are many advertisements and testimonials on television and social media, so nearly everyone has at least heard of Lasik. But if you don’t understand how it can help you, you may be on the fence about spending the money. There are several good reasons to consider Lasik eye surgery.

Advances Have Been Made

There have been many advances in Lasik technology and practice in the last decade. Whereas in the beginning Lasik could not correct severe eyesight problems or stigmatism, today these issues can be successfully treated with Lasik. While not everyone who undergoes Lasik will be completely free from glasses, most patients can enjoy some correction that will reduce the cost of glasses and contacts, as well as your dependence on them. (more…)

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An Eyelid Lift Can Transform Your Appearance

Your appearance is defined by so many elements, especially in your facial region. The contour of your cheeks, the fullness of your lips, and the size and shape of your eyes all contribute to the distinguished look of the person you see in the mirror. As you get older, you may find that your eyes are changing for the worse, especially around the eyelids.

Eyelid problems are common, especially in older adults. You may have excess, hanging skin that covers the natural fold of the upper eyelids, or you might notice chronic puffiness or deep grooving that ages you ten years. Fortunately, an eyelid lift surgery known as blepharoplasty has become a routine procedure that can reverse these conditions and transform your appearance into a younger and more rejuvenated version of yourself.

How Is an Eyelid Lift Done?

An eyelid lift is done to reverse the effects of age and gravity on the skin around the eyes. It can be done just for cosmetic reasons or even for medical reasons if the extra fold of skin hangs over the eyelashes and disrupts vision. It only takes about two hours for your eyes to transform from saggy and tired to tighter, healthier, and more contoured.

What Are the Benefits of an Eyelid Lift?

An eyelid lift can improve your appearance and boost your confidence in many ways. Not only does it eliminate the puffiness and bags under your eyes, this procedure also lifts and removes the hooded skin on your upper lids to help you look and feel younger and healthier. (more…)

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How to Diagnose the Problem With Your Eyelids

You probably don’t think about the health of your eyelids as much as you consider the health of your heart or skin, but the truth is that your eyelids play an important role in your overall well being. This means they are also prone to a number of different problems and diseases. If you have been experiencing any of the following, the following issues could be to blame.


Blepharospasm is the condition of chronic eyelid spasms that become debilitating over time. You may be in the initial stages of blepharospasm if you notice yourself blinking or squinting repeatedly, especially with forceful closure following by difficulty opening the eyelids again.

Stress, bright lights, fatigue, driving, and social interactions all have the potential to make these eyelid spasms intensify. Unlike diabetes and heart disease that can be improved through healthy choices, blepharospasm can’t be easily avoided. This is why it’s so important to watch for symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as you suspect a problem. (more…)

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Three Uses of Botox for the Eyes

We all know Botox as the miracle wrinkle treatment that reduces signs of wrinkles along the face, but anti-aging is far from the only purpose of Botox. Believe it or not, Botox offers a range of medical uses that improve your vision health and help you enjoy a better quality of life. Here’s what you should know!

What Is Botox?

Botox is formulated with botulinum toxin and injected into the body to relax targeted muscles. It begins to work over the span of a week and lasts about three or four months before another treatment is needed. Each eye consists of six muscles, and two of the muscles move the eye from side to side, giving Botox the potential to be a powerful solution for any muscle-related eye problems.

Reduce Crossed Eyes

The muscles in the eye keep your gaze straight by working against each other, basically pulling at each other with equal strength to keep the eyes looking in the opposite directions. However, some people suffer weakness in one muscle that allows the stronger muscle to pull the eye in the opposite direction. This results in crossed eyes, called strabismus. Botox resolves crossed eyes by relaxing the stronger eye muscle and giving the weaker one a chance to recover its power. (more…)

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Does Your Vision Suffer When Driving At Night?

It’s not uncommon for vision to weaken with age, especially at night, but this is a dangerous trend. If your own diminishing vision makes it difficult to drive at night, it’s important to see your eye doctor for the right treatment.

Why Is Driving At Night More Challenging?

Night time driving isn’t easy. Sudden glares of light from cars, street lamps, and traffic signals force the eyes to constantly adjust to new levels of light with only split seconds in-between. This places strain on the eyes and makes even common routes feel unfamiliar. Many people find that their daytime vision remains strong while their nighttime vision weakens.

Th eyes actually work by sensing light with two different types of cells called rods and cones. While cones thrive in strong sunlight, rods prefer low light. This means that as the rods weaken with age or due to another health condition, your night vision will suffer. In addition, since the eyes contain fewer rod cells than cone cells, and since the light receptors within rods can’t regenerate as rapidly, night vision – especially while driving – can become challenging. (more…)

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Can Eyelid Surgery Restore Youthfulness to Your Face?

You have probably given plenty of thought to the way that wrinkles are changing the appearance of your skin, but have you ever contemplated the role that your eyelids play on your face? It is very common for the eyelids to droop with age and make you look much older and fatigued than you are. Fortunately, cosmetic eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a minor procedure that can have a major positive impact on the appearance of your face.

Age Causes Unwanted Eyelid Droopiness

It’s nearly unavoidable for the skin to lose its firmness as you age. Your body produces less and less collagen and elastin each year after the age of 30. Since collagen and elastin are the two most important components of healthy skin, their growing absence leaves the skin with no choice but to become stretched and weak.

This causes the eyelids to stretch, and the muscles supporting them become weaker. Stores of fat create a saggy, droopy appearance to your eyelids that once used to look effortlessly perky. In addition to affecting your upper lids and bags under your eyes, droopy eyelids also limit your field of vision. (more…)

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Suffering from Chronic Headaches? Check Your Eyesight

We’ve all endured temporary headaches after stressful days at work or long days of squinting into the sun, but chronic headaches are a monster of their own. Chronic headaches and migraine pain is often debilitating, robbing patients of their quality of life. If you can relate, your vision could be to blame.

Vision Problems Translate into Headache Pain
Your body is one complex and interconnected system. This is especially true for your eyes and your head. If you haven’t visited the eye doctor recently or have neglected basic eye care, you could have an eye condition that is leading to your headaches. Vision-related headaches occur in many forms, including as dull pressure behind the eyes, throbbing in the temples, and a light pounding at the top of the head.  

For example, most people with astigmatism must squint in order to focus their vision on a specific word or object. Without the right glasses or contacts, astigmatism causes constant squinting, which in turn puts tension on the eye muscles, which then forms headache symptoms. Farsightedness, also known as hyperopia, is another common vision problem that causes headaches to develop. If you are farsighted, it requires extra effort and straining to see clearly, which again places too much strain on the eye muscles and causes headaches to form in the skull. (more…)

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