How to Diagnose the Problem With Your Eyelids

You probably don’t think about the health of your eyelids as much as you consider the health of your heart or skin, but the truth is that your eyelids play an important role in your overall well being. This means they are also prone to a number of different problems and diseases. If you have been experiencing any of the following, the following issues could be to blame.


Blepharospasm is the condition of chronic eyelid spasms that become debilitating over time. You may be in the initial stages of blepharospasm if you notice yourself blinking or squinting repeatedly, especially with forceful closure following by difficulty opening the eyelids again.

Stress, bright lights, fatigue, driving, and social interactions all have the potential to make these eyelid spasms intensify. Unlike diabetes and heart disease that can be improved through healthy choices, blepharospasm can’t be easily avoided. This is why it’s so important to watch for symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as you suspect a problem.


Ectropion and entropion are very similar conditions involving the lower eyelids. Ectropion occurs when the lower eyelid sags outward, while entropion causes the lower eyelids to roll inward toward the eye. If your eyes are commonly excessively watery or dry, red, and irritated, it’s possible you have either ectropion or entropion beginning to form. Your eye doctor can help you through the simple surgery that resolves either eyelid complication.


This condition of a drooping upper eyelid can range from mild to severe, with more extreme cases causing vision problems. Ptosis most commonly occurs with age as the eyelid loses elasticity and falls from its normal position. You may notice ptosis starting to form if your eyes look tired and titled down. Fortunately, surgery can efficiently resolve the problem. You may be surprised by the youthful, rejuvenated appearance you’ll regain after surgery!


Skin cancer commonly develops into a tumor on the lower eyelid. You can recognize a tumor early by staying alert for any painless elevations or nodules. Lost or distorted eyelashes may also occur in the area. If your eyes have been exposed to excessive sunlight for many years, especially if you are fair skinned, it’s especially important to be on the lookout for signs of tumors.

Your eyes need and deserve superior care, so call (813) 779-3338 to schedule an appointment at The Eye Clinic of Florida. Dr. Ahad Mahootchi will evaluate your eyes and eyelids to help you restore the best vision and health possible.