Eye Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

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This year, while you’re enjoying the holiday season, make sure the festivities aren’t thwarted by an eye injury. Many people don’t realize that the holidays can pose various risks to your vision, from toys to champagne bottles to Christmas tree branches and more. 

Keep the family safe throughout the holidays with these Tampa eye safety tips:

Consider Toys Carefully.

Before gifting toys with potential eye hazards, like spinning objects or toys for throwing, make sure that they’re age-appropriate. Also, for toys like BB guns, air rifles, darts, arrows, and paint guns, consider the need for eye protection (like goggles) and adult supervision. Especially for toys that eject small pellets, the risk of eye injury is high. 

Trim the Tree with Care. 

Many people overlook the Christmas tree as a potential eye hazard. Pine needles and branches can severely injure your eyes if you walk or fall into them, so decorate carefully. Additionally, keep glass and pointed ornaments out of reach of young children. 

Point Bottles Away From Everyone Before Opening. 

Before popping the champagne or sparkling wine, ensure that the bottle is pointed away from everyone in the room, including yourself. After all, champagne bottle corks can pop at nearly 50 miles per hour! Holding the bottle from the bottom at a 45-degree angle is generally considered the safest option for corked, carbonated drinks. 

Save the Fireworks for the Pros.

If fireworks or sparklers are part of your New Year’s celebration, leave them to the professionals. Amateur fireworks can quickly lead to accidents, including serious eye injuries. 

Don’t Delay Medical Care for an Eye Injury.

If you or a loved one sustains an eye injury this holiday season, don’t wait for medical care! Reach out to your Tampa area ophthalmologist for guidance, or head to the emergency room for severe eye trauma. 

Eye Clinic of Florida provides expert eye care for patients in Tampa and the surrounding areas. Don’t hesitate to contact us this holiday season for your vision care needs!