Reasons You’re Having Problems Seeing Well at Night in Tampa

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In Tampa, we’re used to sunshine and clear skies. But, when night falls, you may struggle to see as well as you did during the day. When you have poor vision in dim light,  this symptom can point to a few different eye conditions. 

Dr. Mahootchi is here to help you understand night vision problems as a symptom of various eye concerns, including:


Poor vision in dim lighting is a prevalent symptom among Tampa cataract patients. With cataracts, the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy, making it difficult to see clearly in low-light environments and bright-light environments. Think of how hard it is to see through a stained glass window at night. That’s what happens to cataract patients.

Cataract surgery can be effectively treated by replacing the cloudy lens with an artificial lens. At our eye clinic in the Tampa area, we incorporate your glasses prescription into the new lens to not only help you see better but to see better without glasses whether you were near-sighted, far-sighted, or had astigmatism before the surgery. 

Night Myopia

Night myopia occurs when the eyes are nearsighted in low-light environments. This results from becoming a little more nearsighted when the pupils dilate. With this problem, the eye can’t properly adjust or focus in dark conditions. 

Thankfully, night myopia can be corrected easily in Tampa Bay with glasses or contact lenses, eye drops, and even surgery. There are options. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

An estimated 2,164,009 Floridians have been diagnosed with diabetes. So, diabetic retinopathy is a significant concern across the state. Diabetic retinopathy can cause poor night vision (among other mild symptoms) in its early stages but may cause blindness when left untreated. So, make sure to visit our Tampa Bay area office for a complete evaluation if you struggle to see well at night. The earlier we identify signs of diabetic retinopathy, the easier it is to treat. 

Nutrient Deficiencies

Individuals who don’t consume enough zinc or vitamin A may have trouble seeing well at night. While most people in Florida and across the U.S. consume enough vitamin A, those who don’t may experience problems with the retina. Vitamin A deficiency curbs the production of pigments that the retina requires to function properly, while zinc is necessary for vitamin A to travel throughout the body. 

Schedule an appointment at The Eye Clinic of Florida in Tampa Bay for a professional evaluation to pinpoint the cause of your night vision problems.